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Road Trip 2009


It's been several years since I've done an "out west" road trip, this seemed like the year to do it. (It also didn't hurt that gas prices were about $2.00 less per gallon than last summer.) From July 18 through 26, 2009, I was on the road through Minnesota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and South Dakota, driving my 2000 Honda Civic on a 2453 miles and hiking 40.5 miles in all types of terrain.

Road Trip 2009

Cataract Lake
Maplewood Trails
Lake Lida
Minnesota Hills
Salem Sue
TR's Cabin
Ridgeline Nature Trail
Lower Talkington
Cloudy Hiking
Wild Horses
Badlands Vista
Park Bison
Jones Creek Trail Crossing
Ekblom Trail Crossing
Little Missouri River
Dog Town
A Muddy End
Jones Creek Trail Return
Dinosaur Time
Devil's Tower
Lunch Break
Dog Day Afternoon
Looking Up
View from Beaver Ridge
Black Hills
Switchbacks and Scree
Full Moon
Saddle Ridge
Castle Trail
Hot in the Badlands
Medicine Root Trail
Minuteman II
Corn Palace
Sioux Quartzite
Jeffers Petroglyphs
Schell Gardens

Badlands National Park covers 244,000 acres.

© 1996-2012 David Zavadsky