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Monday, July 22, 2002

For those of you that know me, you know that July 22 is my birthday. I turned 29 years old on this particular day, and to celebrate, I toured downtown Denver on foot, leaving the car in parking all day. From the 16th Street pedestrian mall to the various breweries and brewpubs in the area, I had a fantastic day. Lunch was at Sandlot Brewing, where I got a tour of the facility; the afternoon was a stop at the Great Divide Brewery, where I got a tour of the facility and a six-pack to take with me; and the evening was dinner at the Wynkoop Brewing Company, the largest brewpub in the U.S. Somewhere in there I also walked past the U.S. Mint and the state capitol; bought some CDs; and saw "Reign of Fire" at the movie theater.

Parks and Pubs 2002

Monday, July 22, 2002

Denver Mint
State Capitol
Sandlot Brewing
Great Divide Brewery

Photos by Date

Thursday, July 18, 2002
Friday, July 19, 2002
Saturday, July 20, 2002
Sunday, July 21, 2002
Monday, July 22, 2002
Tuesday, July 23, 2002
Wednesday, July 24, 2002
Thursday, July 25, 2002
Friday, July 26, 2002
Saturday, July 27, 2002
Sunday, July 28, 2002

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© 1996-2012 David Zavadsky