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Adventures in Beer

Some people enjoy golfing on as many different courses as they can. Others have a goal of visiting every Major League Baseball park in the country.

For me, the fun comes in sampling different beers by visiting as many breweries and brewpubs as I can. It started out a few years ago when I was on vacation and wanted to go out to eat somewhere that wasn't fast food or a chain restaurant. And there it was: the South Shore Brewery. It was a fun place to go, with good food, fresh beer, and a fun atmosphere. Since then, it's been one of the highlights of any of my travels to find a brewpub and enjoy the local brew and the local color. Why go to McDonald's, after all, when you can get a decent burger and a fresh microbrew from your local brewpub?

Adventures in Beer

The Beer Table
Beer Events
Beers of Note
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